
Fall Session

Every course offered in our Fall Session is online for 3 in-service credits/45 hours.  We strongly recommend getting in-service courses approved by your district ahead of registration.  All courses are open enrollment, but please note that each class will end on 11/15/24, and all classwork must be completed by that date. 


DATE: September 1 – November 15, 2024

Course #: A100


Unlock the power of using read-alouds in the social studies classroom! Participants will discover how picture books can ignite cultural exploration, engage students in historical narratives, and deepen comprehension of events in history. This course is suggested for social studies teachers, but can be adapted for science teachers.

Course #: A101


This course explores the integration of games into the classroom to foster student engagement and learning. Participants will discover strategies to effectively incorporate game-based learning across various subjects and grade levels through hands-on activities, discussions, and case studies. 

Course #: A102

Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom

This professional development course is designed for educators who seek to incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into their classroom practices. The course provides educators with the knowledge, strategies, and tools necessary to effectively teach and model SEL competencies. By fostering a supportive learning environment, educators will help students develop critical social and emotional skills essential for academic success and personal well-being. 

Course #: A104

Project-Based Learning Across the Curriculum

In this class, educators will learn how to design and implement projects that span multiple disciplines, such as science, math, language arts, social studies, and even art or technology. By participating in this class, educators can gain practical strategies and resources for designing and implementing interdisciplinary projects that not only meet academic standards but also promote deeper learning and transferable skills across multiple disciplines.

Course #: A105

Methods of Teaching Vocabulary in the Classroom

This course focuses on enhancing teachers’ skills in using explicit instruction to teach vocabulary effectively in the classroom. Participants will learn to integrate online tools like Quizlet, Gimkit, and Blooket to create engaging and interactive vocabulary review sessions. Additionally, the course will cover a variety of offline strategies and resources to reinforce vocabulary learning, ensuring that teachers are equipped with a comprehensive toolkit to support their students’ language development and retention.

Course #: A106

Movement, Brain Breaks, and Physical Activity in Schools

This course will explore the many benefits of implementing movement, brain breaks, and mindfulness within schools. These benefits include, but are not limited to, stronger academic performance, increased physical fitness, better classroom management, and improved social-emotional functioning.

Course #: A107

Using Best Practices to Achieve Mastery in the Classroom

In this course, participants will explore effective strategies and best practices to promote mastery learning across various academic disciplines. We will delve into curriculum mapping, alignment, and student-focused outcomes. By examining practical approaches, participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to enhance student achievement and program coherence.

Course #: A108

Embracing Diversity and Equity in Education

This course aims to empower high school educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to create inclusive and equitable learning environments. Participants will explore culturally responsive teaching practices, examine biases, and develop tools to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Course #: A109

Using AI as an Educational Tool in a Middle and High School Setting

This course aims to equip middle and high school educators with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their teaching practices. Participants will explore how AI can enhance authentic learning experiences, foster critical thinking, and prepare students for the digital age.

Course #: A110

Spanish for Educators

During this course, participants will learn ways to help bridge the communication gap between you, your students, and their families. The course includes basic skills in Spanish and language strategies, along with helpful tips for parent-teacher communication, to enhance your relationship with your students and their families.

Course #: A111

Growth Mindset and Motivation

Having a growth mindset is vital to ensuring the success of your students. This course focuses on the importance of helping students obtain a growth mindset in school and strategies to do so. Participants will walk away from this course with the tools to help students find their motivation and the learning styles that work best for their brains.

Course #: A112

The Neurodiverse Learner

Neurodiverse learners are found in every classroom and have unique needs. This course begins by identifying what defines a neurodiverse learner, then moves into exploring the challenges they face within the school setting and discussing strategies for supporting their needs. At the end of this course, participants will have an understanding of neurodiverse students and the tools necessary for supporting them in school.

Course #: A113

Creating Measurable IEP Goals

Creating a solid and measurable goal is integral to adequately assessing a student’s progress. In this course, participants will discuss identifying present levels, creating measurable goals based on those levels, and exploring different methods to track progress towards goals. You will leave this class more confident in your ability to create a goal that you can easily collect data on. 

Course #: A114

Making Learning Accessible for All ELLs

In this class, participants will explore the different models of ELL programs and how to make content accessible to your ELLs in the mainstream classroom. We will focus on scaffolding instruction and how to reach all levels of learners. You will learn strategies and techniques to help students across all grade levels and content areas.

Course #: A115

Science of Reading: Research-Based Literacy Strategies

This course explores evidence-based literacy strategies grounded in the science of reading. Participants will delve into the neurological processes involved in reading, examine research findings, and learn practical teaching methods to enhance literacy skills. The course emphasizes effective strategies for diverse learners, including those with learning differences.

Course #: A117

Behind the Curtain: What They Didn’t Teach You In College

Undergraduate courses provide the building blocks of a teaching career. While these courses give educators a strong base, there are often overlooked aspects of education. This course digs deeper into valuable facets of a teaching career, such as the importance of flexibility, classroom management skills, communication with families, self-awareness of talents, and active involvement within the school community.

Course #: A118

Classroom Behavior Interventions

This course explores an array of behavior interventions to implement for students with behavioral challenges. The course will focus on classwide behavior management as a preventative strategy. Teachers will learn the importance of routines, setting expectations, and proximity control in their classroom. In addition, it will focus on Tier 1 interventions that can be utilized in the classroom for individuals or small groups of students. Teachers will learn how to identify the function of behaviors, which in turn will assist in choosing the appropriate intervention strategy. 

Course #: A119

De-Escalation Strategies

This course will focus on the crisis cycle and appropriate means of de-escalating at each level. The course will address means of preventing escalated behaviors in the school setting. By participating in this class, educators will gain a better understanding of the crisis cycle and specific means of de-escalating at each point of the cycle.

Course #: A120

Character Education Through Literacy

Participants will learn about the benefits of teaching character education and how this will carry over into their classroom on a daily basis. This course will focus on how to incorporate character education into lessons, which will help to run a more effective classroom and school building. This course will begin by exploring the six universal themes of character education: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Teachers and staff will then identify ways to incorporate these themes into literacy lessons and activities. Teachers will learn specific strategies for incorporating the themes of character into their lessons through the use of specific literature with reflective questions and through classroom and building-wide activities. By the end of the course, teachers will have a strong understanding of the benefits of character education. In addition, they will have a wide variety of resources to utilize in their classroom.

Course #: A121

Strategies to Support Struggling Readers

This course will explore the reasons some students struggle to learn to read and best practices for addressing reading difficulties in the classroom. We will delve into reading disabilities and difficulties, focusing on strategies to address phonics, comprehension, and reading fluency in the classroom. By participating in this course, educators can gain practical strategies to promote reading success for all students.

Course #: A122

Making Math Fun: Movement and Fluency

This course will explore how to help students at the elementary level retain fluency facts suitable for their grade level. Teachers will also look closely at how movement in the math classroom can help increase retention, improve participation, and make math fun! Educators will learn how to incorporate different types of movement and activities (kinesthetic, whole body, tactile) to boost engagement and confidence in their math students.

Course #: A123

Visuals Help! Using Visual Aids to Support and Enhance Language

This course explores what visual aids in the school setting are and discusses how visual aids are important for all students. From using visuals to establish a natural learning environment to scaffolding, educators will learn how to transform their lessons so that students stay engaged and successfully support and enhance their language skills. Participants will feel more confident in using visuals to transform learning experiences. Participants will leave with strategies to incorporate visual aids into learning to impact better understanding and use of language throughout the school day. 

Course #: A124

What is Auditory Memory and How Does It Impact Learning?

This comprehensive course will discuss the role that auditory memory plays in learning and retraining information and the relationship it has with speaking, reading, and writing skills. It begins by outlining the processes of memory and the skills required to retain learned information. Participants will leave with learned strategies, treatment approaches, and purposeful activities to enhance auditory memory in the school setting and increase student success. 

**NEW**  Course #: A125

Organizing Your Digital Life: Maximizing Efficiency Using Google Tools

This professional development course is designed to help educators streamline their digital workflows and enhance organizational skills using Google’s suite of tools. Participants will explore practical strategies for managing everyday tasks, organizing digital content, and creating efficient systems to support both teaching and administrative functions. By mastering these techniques, teachers will be better equipped to maintain an orderly digital environment, facilitating a more productive and focused work experience.

**NEW** Course #: A126

ENL 101

In this course, you will learn the basics of English as a New Language, including program models, what an English Language Learner is, and SIFE students.  We will begin to explore the best way to reach all levels of English learners.

Accelerated Summer Session 2024 Reminder

Digital certificates of completion are sent out by the end of the session date of July 31, as long as all work has been submitted by that time. If you are in need of a paper certificate, please email us at DedicatedPDcourses@gmail.com. Thanks for a great session!